1st Annual Fishing Tournament
July 20th began the Bulldog Strong Foundation's annual fishing tournament event. Nineteen anglers enjoyed a morning on Lake Istokpoga. Winners won cash prizes, rods, and reels.
Community Participation
Bulldog Strong participated in the 2019 Veteran's Day Parade.
In addition, the BDSF has made an appearance at Nocatee Elementary School's annual Fall Festival, in addition to a local monthly event held by Saturday Night Lights.

The Bulldog Strong Foundation held their
2nd Annual Fishing Tournament​​
on July 25, 2020 at Lake Istokpoga.
Awesome prizes were awarded at the conclusion.
We thank each of our sponsors and anglers who helped make this year's event successful!

Our first annual BBQ was a HUGE success. We cannot
thank our community
and surrounding
communities enough
for all of your support!
Thank you The Williamson Group Realty for allowing us to use your parking lot!
Thank you Mr. Buck for helping out packaging dinners, breaking down and finding supplies!
Thank you Mr. Raya for allowing us to borrow your tent! FOREVER grateful!
Thank you Mr. Ken for donating your time and preparing some awesome ribs and chicken!
Thank you DeSoto County for supporting our foundation!

The Bulldog Strong Foundation enjoyed meeting new friends and seeing old friends during our second appearance at Saturday Night Lights November 11th.

Our 2nd annual BBQ was a HUGE success. Our community and surrounding
communities showed up!
Thank you The Williamson Group Realty for allowing us to use your parking lot!
Thank you Mr. Buck for helping out packaging dinners, breaking down and finding supplies!
Without our Grill Master Mr. Ken, this event would not have been possible with out you! We are beyond grateful for you as you once again donated your time and preparing some awesome ribs!
Thank you isn't enough for all who supported and continue to support BDSF.